Two bar charts that demonstrate the most frequently used emojis in each subreddit.
Two bar charts that demonstrate the most frequently used emojis in each subreddit.
A bar chart that displays the average word counts.
A bar chart that displays the average word counts.
A bar chart that demonstrates the most frequently used words in Bitcoin subreddits.
A bar chart that demonstrates the most frequently used words in Bitcoin subreddits.
A bar chart that demonstrates the most frequently used words in Dogecoin subreddits.
A bar chart that demonstrates the most frequently used words in Dogecoin subreddits.
Results: The bagging classifier model was able to classify the subreddits with an accuracy score of 91%, which performed significantly better than the baseline score of 60%. The most important word features for the model were: "bitcoin", "doge", "dogecoin", and "emoji_nan". In other words, these four features were most significant to the model when determining whether a post was from the Dogecoin subreddit or Bitcoin subreddit. Further, upon analyzing the frequency of emojis used, emojis were used .03% of the time in Bitcoin posts and 20% of the time in Dogecoin posts.
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